Nov 8, 2008

Coyote Symbolism

I guess I'm just sending this to ya cuz I was thinking (and hoping) that the reason I was seeing so many coyotes lately was cuz of you. Hon, I see at least one a week - sometimes for days in a row - up to 4 a week. Anyway, I was hoping it meant something between us - a sign or something ... so I looked it up & this is everything it said:

COYOTE - is the trickster. When we're being too serious about life Coyote may come along to teach us to laugh at ourselves. It is also the karmic enforcer, reminding us that whatever we do to others will be done to us. Learning to balance wisdom with a sense of humor to make life work for us.

The Coyote is a clown in the natural world, and in many Native American tribes view the symbolism of the Coyote as that of trickster, shape-shifter, and transformer.
The Navajo never kill Coyote because of their belief that it accompanied the first man and woman into the entrance of the first physical world.
Also, in the same myth, the Coyote brought with it seeds of life so as to sew new growth upon the new world. This legend depicts the Coyote as a bringer of life and a new birth symbol.
However, the Shoshoni believed the Coyote to be the bringer of death. The sighting of the Coyote was said to bring natural disasters such as illness, floods and harsh winters. This was not viewed as something to be feared - rather it made way for new beginnings. Essentially, the Coyote was the "way-maker" of new direction as it went about its symbolic role of completing the cycle of life in nature.
The Coyote tells us to be mindful of our actions - be wary of pla ying tricks on ourselves or others. Coyote also reminds us that the consequences of our actions effect more than just ourselves.
The Coyote comes to us with a message that only by learning from our mistakes will we ever be free from shackles/restriction.
This wonderful creature also reminds us that no matter what form we take (as we "shape-shift" our personality) or how many difficult situations we may find ourselves in - we must always take time to laugh.I hope you have enjoyed this brief summary of insights on the animal symbolism of coyote.

Coyote - Prankster, insight, playful. The coyote symbolizes duality and the ability to present both sides of an issue. Clowning and humor, perhaps sarcastic.

Coyote: symbol of Cunning, Cleverness, negotiating difficult situations

There are many stories about the Coyote as being a trickster. Don't let that fool you, because Coyote protects the home and the people in it from foolishness. Living in hills or underground dens, Coyotes always make sure=2 0the family is fully protected. He helps to keep the family close.
Learn from coyote in negotiating a difficult situations. He can help you to discover a trap that you are caught in, or show you you how you might be fooling yourself.
If you are in a relationship where you think you may be fooling yourself, use the coyote to help see the truth of the matter and release yourself from the trap.

Coyote symbol use in magic:

Coyote is known as the jokester in Native American myth; a being who is playful and fun loving. Coyote is also believed to be a teacher and creator and keeper of magic. Coyote is both wisdom and folly. This is a paradox and a balance.
You should be prepared for some discomfort and a great deal of fun if Coyote is your guide. Coyote will change your life so you can appreciate the fine line between wisdom and folly.
The Coyote is a symbol of earth and a symbol of balance.

Coyote: people mistakenly dismiss coyote as a trickster, but he is much more than a trickster. Through humor, coyote brings together opposing cultures worldviews and people who think that they are enemies. 20 By making them laugh at themselves and each other, they can see how silly their differences appear to the spirits and animals. Coyote embodies the fool.

I decided to learn more about the coyote as a symbol. I soon discovered that in American aboriginal mythology the coyote, like the raven in Westcoast aboriginal myth, is a trickster figure. The trickster figure brings light into a world that is completely dark. He is a figure that challenges our initial perceptions. He brings humour and playfulness into situations that have become too serious. The trickster figure shows us that we cannot plan our lives perfectly, that life is unpredictable. In other words he challenges many of the behaviours that contribute to my depression. I found it incredible that, of all creatures to appear in front of me, the coyote chose to appear.

Coyote Symbolism

Coyote is a complex symbol of humor, cunning, and survival. Coyote is often portrayed as the ‘wise fool’, helping people to see the truth in difficult situations. Coyote medicine is often strongly tied to learning to be adaptable, seeing the humor in even the worst situations, and being able to cope with even the toughest things life can throw at you.

the coyote is a symbol of the trickster or prankster and always appears when life is getting too serious. Coyote's levity and open-mindedness encourages us to see other points of view, other faces of the moon with both wisdom and insight. Coyote is a master storyteller who brings the healing medicine of laughter into the stories of our lives and the tales we weave with others.

The Coyote is a clown in the natural world, and in many Native American tribes view the symbolism of the Coyote as that of trickster,or transformer. The Navajo would never kill Coyote because of their belief that it accompanied the first man and woman into the entrance of the first physical world. Also in the same myth, the Coyote brought with it seeds of life so as to sew new growth upon the new world.

Coyote reminds us to bring the happy childlike quality into our adult lives.

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