Jun 8, 2006

Must've Been Love

It must've been love, but it's over now.
that song is on the radio now.
did i tell u i went to the i.c. meeting in ---- the other day and it sucked cuz everyone kept asking how i was doing, giving me hugs and patting me on the back. sucks.
honey, if u were here one of the first things i'd share with you today is the pack test. i did it in 29 minutes and 35 seconds. that's haulin! my best time before that was 31:09. i was pretty proud of myself. i wish i could be all excited and tell you, but i guess i'll just email it into cyber space.
can't type much i'm headed over to the ----house to play pool with ---- n -----. i'll write more later. i miss you so much and my love for you will never die!
oh yeah, i got a little note from uncle ---- about how he's thought about you (and me) often since 'the tragedy'. that was nice of him. it made me cry cuz i know how much you two liked each other. well i love you!
love you, love you, love you. xoxoxoxo

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