May 10, 2007

I Hate My Job

Just what you want from me, more bitching. Well, dammit, if you were here, I would be happy even if I was working in a dump. So of course, I'm short & irritable & mad at the world & angry. They are such unorganized dumb asses and if they are organized it sure fools me!! I guess I'm just pissed cuz it's only --- and I (which I should be thankful) and we have this crew of newbies coming on Monday and I have no way to make up hiring packets, S.O.P.'s, intro. packets. All that crap because the computer doesn't work in ----, which means the printer doesn't either. Not too mention ----- and I can't even prep tomorrow cuz we have to go help on some unit, which just seems like a lot of b.s. I guess I'm just pissed cuz ---- has a million people to get ready for one temp. And essentially it's only me to get ready for 3. I have no ---, no ---, no ----, no ----. Only ---- and ---- - and they are great, but they don't realize all it takes; the behind the scenes. So I'm stressed cuz I got a ton of shit to do and no time to do it & Pissy is coming over this weekend, so that will take up Saturday & Sunday. Ughhhhh. And then ----- has the nerve to say to me today, do you even work here. And why? Because I had an eye doctor appt. yesterday or because I won't work with helicopters. Or is it because they expected me to go burn as I walked in the door to the ------s office when they knew full well I had an orientation meeting AND ---- asked me to be at his WFU exercise. Well, WTF, don't tell me to do one thing and then jump my shit when I walk in the door cuz I didn't come prepared to burn. They had the whole day before, night before and morning to call. Assholes. I really hate this job and I just can't wait until I'm done. I so can't wait. I want that job in ------ sooooo bad. Anyhow, I have some bills to pay (way overdue like usual - thanks, it all started after you died cuz I don't care) and I need to send your mom a mothers day card. Well, I wasted all of your time with this bitchy email when all I wish for was you to still be here. I wish I could turn back time and be riding in your car with you or laying in a hotel room watching TV with you or cuddling on the couch eating ice cream with you or just walking hand and hand anywhere with you. I hate life without you. I really do....and I miss you sooooo much. I better go before I start bawling and throw the towel in and call it a night. Love you forever, your babygirl. xoxox

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