Apr 8, 2007


Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much I hurt for you. This whole weekend has been hard for some reason or another. I just miss being next to you and sharing our lives together.....EVERYTHING has been reminding me of you lately and I CAN'T STOP thinking about you. Honey, I wish you were just here to hold me and tell me it's going to be okay cuz I don't feel like that lately; these days. I feel like a foreigner in my own world; like I don't even belong. All I want in this whole world is you. That's it. I don't ask a lot. I don't want money, prosperity, fortunes ..... anything. All I want is you next to me. Life without you is so hard. I at least hope everything is all good with you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I suppose that wish came true, I just didn't know it would be without me.........
I'm sorry honey, I've just got to go to bed or something, being awake in this reality is killing me. It's hard for me to take. I do love you more than anything ever in this whole world. xoxoxox forever, your baby girl.

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